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Writer's pictureJon Ponting

Rules: Changes for the 2024-2025 Season

There have been several changes to the rules for this season, particularly concerning the postponement of games and an increase in player costs.

Updates are summarised below.


Rule 10 has been rewritten completely. Postponements are only allowed in 'extremely extenuating circumstances'. Speak to the Fixture Secretary to see if your circumstance fits this definition. Not having nine players available is not grounds for postponing a game.

Postponing a game without an 'extremely extenuating circumstance' will mean losing all 10 points.

When teams are short of players, up to two players can play again under the name 'AN Other'. These scores will count towards the total points in that game, but 'AN Other' results are excluded from player averages, 50 Club etc.


2e) The sticker-up fee has increased to £12 per team, per game. This means the sticker-up will receive £24 for an evening's work. The fee has increased from £1.00 per player, and has been changed to a team payment to avoid reduced payment when a team is short of a full squad.

2b) The signing on fee for each player has been raised to £5.00. It was previously £4.00

9b) Removed (Not considered necessary): The signing on fee for new players will be actioned from their second game.

Rule 9c is now 9b etc.


Only Final games will now be played on neutral alleys. Previously, semi-final games were also played on neutral alleys.

Two rules have been removed from both the Knock-Out and Nomination rules. That is not to say the following statements are no longer true:

'The winner of game one will be team one in the draw for the preceding rounds.'

'The random draw will be made for each round of this competition.'

Rule numbering has changed throughout the Cup Competitions section.


14e) Has been reworded: The nominated pin must be struck first AND fall. Previously, the wording allowed interpretation that the nominated pin could be skimmed, allowing other pins to be counted.


15a) Reworded to make it clearer that a team can only join the Double Exit cup if they have suffered a lose in both the Knockout and Nomination games, up to and including a Round Two game.


8c) Removed (Not considered necessary): Once a ball hits a pin, whether it falls over or not, all further pins that fall will count.

Rule 8d is now 8c etc.


4b) More strong wording - Games 'will be played' in three legs of three players - previously said 'should be played'

9a) Clarification added for a new player. The definition of 'Someone who has not paid' means paying the appropriate signing-on fee.

9b) Signing on fees for new players must go to the Treasurer. Previously, the rules also listed the Fixture Secretary.

17b) Individual cup games. The person who plays in the first round must play in following rounds. Substitutions are not permitted.

All references to individuals throughout the rulebook have been modified to the them/they pronoun.

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