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How to search through results online

Writer's picture: Jon PontingJon Ponting

Updated: 18th September 2023

With close to 1,000 league and cup games played every season in the Malmesbury and District Skittles League, and with over 1,000 players taking part, it can be tricky to quickly find the information you're looking for about the performance of your team, your team-mates and yourself.

Fortunately, you can sort and filter the online fixtures to only show the results you want to see.

The ability to search makes the website easier to use and nicer on the eyes. There are however a few peculiarities to be aware of while using the search facility.

Here's a guide to getting the most out of your searches:

Using the Search Box

When you first open the page of game fixtures, all results for the season are listed, in full, in the same order as shown in your booklet.

  • There is a search box to the right, just above the fixtures list. Type in a team name (without spaces) and the results will be filtered to only show fixtures and results for that team.

  • You can also use the search box to show fixtures in a specific week. Typing 'Wk04' for example will show you all games for the fourth week of the season.

  • You can type in a skittle alley to only show games being played in a specific venue (see details below).

If you enter part of your team name, or include spaces, the search may only display teams or alleys with similar names.

For example, typing 'Somerford' will show games for both the Somerford Show and Somerford Shower teams.

As some teams have similar names, there are three examples where teams are listed online differently to their official names:

  • For Somerford Show, search 'Somerford-Show' (with a hyphen). This avoids confusion with Somerford Shower.

  • For Vics Rebels, search 'VicsRebs'. This avoids confusion with Rebels.

  • For Startley Wanderers, search 'StartleyWands'. This avoids confusion with Wanderers.

  • On some searches, Skittling Under The Influence has been abbreviated to 'SkittlingUnder'. This is to reduce the need for scrolling right to see all available information.

​Sort details alphabetically and numerically

In the pink title of each column is an up and down arrow. Click on these arrows to list the fixtures in alphabetical / numerical order. Clicking again will display the games from Z-A or 100-1.

The ability to list games in a specific order can be used with or without a specific search in place.

This can be useful to show, for example, the highest scores of the season.

Alley search

There are several teams who share names with alleys. To avoid confusion when using the search box, it is necessary to list alley names slightly differently.

This list shows how the alleys are listed in the online fixtures - use these to search for a particular alley:

  • 'BeaufortArms' = Beaufort Arms

  • ​'KingtonStMichael' = Kington St Michael Club

  • 'BowlsClub' = Malmesbury Bowls Club

  • 'FootballClub' = Malmesbury Football Club

  • 'OldRoyalShip' = Old Royal Ship, Luckington

  • 'PeterboroughArms' = Peterborough Arms

  • 'Red-Bull' = Red Bull, Malmesbury

  • 'Rose&Crwn-Lea' = Rose & Crown, Lea

  • 'RWBConservatives' = Royal Wootton Bassett Conservative Club

  • 'ThreeCups' = Three Cups, Malmesbury

  • 'Volunt'r' = The Volunteer Inn, Great Somerford

  • 'WellesleyArms' = Wellesley Arms, Sutton Benger

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